Plantimal 4: Robot 34: The Living Machines Series: Xenobiology, 2016 Phytoborg 3: Robot 33: The Living Machines Series: Surreal Evolution, 2016 Surreal Trees 1: Robot 35: The Living Machines Series: Surreal Evolution, 2016 Plantimal 3: Robot 32: The Living Machines Series: Surreal Evolution, 2015
2: Robot 30: The Living Machines Series: Surreal
Evolution, 2015
Zooborg 1: Robot 28: The Living Machines Series, 2015 Plantimal 1: Robot 29: The Living Machines Series, 2015 Phytoborg 1: Robot 25: The Living Machines Series, 2013 Robot 21: The Living Machines Series, 2009 Robot 18: The Living Machines Series, 2008 |